
What is Plorma

Plorma is a webapplication to plan, organise and manage tasks in the software development. Plorma is influenced by agile development methods like Scrum. Tasks can be organised on Kanban boards and the progress of a sprint can be visualized in a Burndown chart.

Although Plorma is especially suited to support an agile software development it tries to be as general as possible to be used in other fields of activity.


Plorma is licensed under the GPL version 2 or later



Plorma is available from Pypi:

pip install plorma
plorma-admin app init myplorma
cd myplorma
# Adapt database connection etc in the created production.ini file.
plorma-admin db init --config production.ini
# Optionally install the demodata
plorma-admin fixtures load --path /path/to/plorma/fixtures/demo --config production.ini
plorma-admin db fixsequence --config production.ini
# Finally start the server
pserve --reload production.ini


A Docker image including demo data can be started with:

docker run -it -p 6543:6543 -d toirl/docker-plorma

From source

Please read the REAME coming with the source of Plorma.

Get the source

Plorma is hosted on Github:

git clone