
Plorma task editing
Every task must have a short name which ideally sums up the task in a few words. The name is used in the task overview to identify the task.
The tasks can be tagged with different tags to help organising the tasks. The tags will be displayed in the task overview. Tags can only be created by User with the role productowners.

A task can be assigned to other users. Assigning a task to a user means that this user is responsible to work on the task.

If a task has no assignee than it can be be taken by others.

Task State
The States and Resolutions can be set in . Some of the fields will become a required field based on the current state and selections. So the Resolution field will become a required field when switching into the resolved state.
Users can add comments to give further information, or document their proceed. Comments are readable by all users.

The priority (Weight of a task) will influence the order of the task in the task overview or product backlog.

Priority Description
immediate Must be fixed immediately (means: “Drop any other work”). Reports must have an assignee set in the “Assigned to” field.
very high Should be fixed as next task by maintainers and certainly before the next release.
high Not the next task, but should be fixed soon. Depending on teams & manpower this can take between one and six months.
normal Medium priority; would be good to get fixed somewhere in the future. Contributed patches might speed fixing up.
low This can be fixed, but we’re not going to worry about it. Patches very welcome and required for progress.
very low This can be fixed, but we’re not going to worry about it. Patches very welcome and required for progress.

Usually only the priorities from very low to very high should be used for task planning.

The immediate priority is a special one. It should only be used in very rare cases as it really means that any other work should be dropped which may affect running sprints.


Severity Description
Blocker Blocks further development and/or testing work
Critical Crashes, loss of data (internally, not your edit preview!) in a widely used and important component.
Major Major loss of function in an important area.
Normal Default/average
Minor Minor loss of function, or other problem that does not affect many people or where an easy workaround is present.
Trivial Cosmetic problem like misspelled words or misaligned text which does not really cause problems


The estimate indicates how much work remains to be done until the task is completely resolved. The estimate can be selected from a simplified Fibonacci sequence to regard larger inaccuracy in complex tasks.

The estimate does not have any time unit like hours. It is a abstract estimate and needs to be interpreted individual. The estimate can be used as Story Points in a Scrum development process.

The sprint listing will show a list of Sprints which are currently in the planning state. You can assign tasks to more than on sprint.


Plorma task lifecycle


State Description
New Initial state for all new created tasks. Nobody has looked into the task nor it has been checked to be a valid.
Open The tasks has been checked to be valid. However the task has not been assigned to someone yet. But based on its Weight of a task it is queued to be worked on.
Assigned The tasks has been assigned to a developer. He will start to work on the task based on its priority.
Resolved Work on the task has been finished with on of the possible. Resolved tasks may need some QA are acceptance tests. Resolutions.
Verified The resolution has been accepted by the QA. Last steps can be made to finally close the task. Verifying the solution of a task will set the remaining estimate to 0.
Closed The final state of a task. The task has been resolved the QA has approved the resolution. The resolution has been communicated to all relevant parties. Closing a task will set the remaining estimate to 0.
Reopen Indicates that an issue has been reopened for some reason. This my be a failed QA or later upcoming issues with the solution. Reopening the task will set the estimate to a unknown value to enforce the user to set a new value for the estimate.


Resolution Description
Done Task is done and is ready for QA.
Works for me Can not reproduce the defect or issue. Everything works as expected.
Need more info It is unclear what exactly to do here. More information is needed before the work can continue here.
Won’t do Task will not be resolved for any reason.
Duplicate Task is duplicate of another task.
Invalid Task is invalid and will not be done for any other reason the formed named resolutions.

Tasks currently under “Test”

You may think that the lifecycle of a task is missing the explicit state that the task is currently under test by someone. Well, of course Plorma provides a way to indicate that a task is currently under test.

Plorma differs between two “states” of the state done. If a task is marked as done the assignee will be removed automatically. This is because the origin assignee has decided that the task is either finished or the work can not proceed for any other reason. However in this situation the origin assignee is considered not to be responsible for the task anymore. (This is probably what the assignee actually thinks when marking the task as resolved) This is the first state: A task which is done and has no assignee. The task is waiting for someone who will pickup the task e.g for QA.

The way Plorma marks a task to be currently under test is to set a new assignee to the task. A resolved task which is assigned to someone means that his person will do whatever is needed to make the task proceed into the next state (verified, closed). This can be doing the QA but might also be something different.

Weight of a task

The prioritization of the task is calculated based on its Priority (think of importance) and its severity. The calculated value is called the Taskweight. The Taskweight is used in the task overview are prioritization criteria.

If either the priority or the severity is not set, than the weight can not be calculated and is unknown.

Email Gateway

Plorma ships with an Email Gateway which supports creating and modifying Tasks per Email.


Currently only creating new tasks and adding new comments to existing tasks is supported. If you want to change any other attribute of the task you need to open it in the web interface.

To create a new Task you can send an email to the configured email address. The subject of the email will be used a title of the new task. The text of the email is used as first comment of the new task.

When a new task is created a notification mail will be sent to all users in the tracker.

Users can reply to messages which are sent from Plorma. The mails will get parsed and the text of the mail will be appended as new comment to the task.


To be able to use the Email Gateway you need to

  • Create a Mailbox where users can send emails to. This mailbox should be exclusive for Plorma issues and must allow fetching email using POP(S).
  • configure the Email subsystem so send mails out of Plorma and
  • configure a cron job for the mailgw.py script which polls emails and creates and modifies tasks.

The host in the configuration is the mail server where the mailbox is. Please note that the mail server is used to fetch and send mails. The default_sender is the email address of this tracker. Mail from the tracker will get email address as Return-Path and other users can send Mails to this address. Finally the username and password are used to login to the server to send and fetch mails.

Calling the mailgw script

The mail gateway script is used to fetch mails from the configured mail server. It will The script can be invoked with the following command:

plorma-mailgw --config path/to/config.ini

The script will use the mail configuration defined in the ini file.


The configuration must consist of a <app:main> section. Composite configurations using a <composite:main> section is currently not supported. If you use this then a possible workaround is to copy this ini file, fix the config it and use the copied ini file for the mailconfig only.